History/Purpose of the Daycare
First Step Children’s Academy LLC, dba First Step Child Care Center is an Indiana Corporation, established in 2008 and childcare licensed center by the Indiana Sate FSSA and Office of Early Childhood and Out-Of-School Learning to operate a Childcare center. The purpose of the daycare is to provide a superior quality preschool and early childhood development program serving children from Toddlers to School ages.
Primary Goals of First Step Childcare Center
To create a setting in which children will find warmth, comfort, and gentleness as well as an abundance of opportunities for movement, exploration, and self-discovery according to individual needs, interests, and abilities.
To assist each child to grow to his fullest potential by recognizing each stage of development and fashioning an environment (i.e. curriculum, facilities, staff) designed to nurture and facilitate growth during each stage.
To help children achieve independence, self-discipline, social competence, self-knowledge, enthusiasm for learning, positive attitudes, intellectual growth, and an organized approach to problem solving.
To assist parents in understanding the developmental stage of their child, enabling them to contribute most effectively to the child’s growth and enrichment.
Upcoming Educational Programs:
• On my Way Pre-K =
• Kindergarten
• Paths to Quality = Indiana’s statewide rating system for early care and education programs.
Help early care and education providers improve the quality of their programs.
Meet our Staff
All staff have access to professional opportunities that include training and professional development programs.
Nothing is more important than your child’s well-being. Start building a future for them.